My name is Terry and this is my blog.

I am currently living in Los Angeles.

I like films, music, and don't even get me started on long walks on the beach.

I don't read a lot of books, but am always fishing for book recommendations.

My parents are Vietnamese and I was born in America.

That's all you really need to know upfront.


Lil Ceesco aka Francis Huynh

Keith Schofield
Matt White
Steven Weigle
Liam Harrison (rarely updated)
Mitch Glaser

Thirsty Thong
VA to VN

September 2006

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Thursday, September 21st

Mind's Aflame

mood: Have a Nice Day!

I'm back in town after spending a few days at the Austin City Limits Festival. I'll be working on the write-up this weekend. I saw a ton of bands, ate some great BBQ and in the end had a great time with two of my bestest friends. Pictures to come, too, except I can't find the USB cable for my digital camera.

I feel refreshed. Austin renewed my faith in rock and roll. Thank-you, Raconteurs.

More to come. . .

p.s. Anyone watch the season premiere of The Office? Holy shit! I'm tempted to forgo watching it weekly and just do a marathon viewing at the end. I just cannot wait to see ALL the episodes.
terry on 09.21.06 @ 10:58 PM PDT [link]

Monday, September 4th

Say You're Sorry, Kevin Federline (cont.)

Still fuming over the Federline incident. The petition has been drafted and I'm having a few professionals look over it. I've been reading the comments sections of all the blogs that have posted the video, but no one seems to be saying anything about the whack incident. Time for me to step up.

My current plan is to launch the petition tomorrow (Tuesday), so expect an email and a myspace bulletin. I also plan on calling into Kevin and Bean's morning show on KROQ as part of their daily "What's Your Deal," so if you're in LA, tune into 106.7 fm. Those guys are always dissing the K-Fed and their parodies of Brittany and Kevin are the only reason I tune into the show (fun fact: Ashton Kutcher supposedly is the fake K-Fed). This will hopefully happen on Wednesday or Thursday of this week.

Lastly, it looks like a good friend of mine has also went on the attack and posted this mash-up video. It's hilarious, but seriously, you couldn't cut out the Asian bit? Still, it is brilliant on so many levels:

terry on 09.04.06 @ 04:44 PM PDT [link]

Friday, September 1st

How Appropriate, The Timing

I found this over at Angry Asian Man shortly after the Federline rant.

Shout out to the good folks over at the San Diego Asian Film Foundation for supporting this.

terry on 09.01.06 @ 03:15 PM PDT [link]

Say You're Sorry, Kevin Federline

NB: This was written in a mushroom cloud of fury, so I apologize for spelling and grammar.

So, this morning I'm having my cup of coffee and reading Stereogum. The new music video by Kevin Federline was posted (I still don't understand why they have to cover every story about him) so I decided to have a look, thinking it would be a good laugh to commence the 3-day weekend. WRONG!

Check out the first 25 seconds - Popozao is "rapping", there's some awesome jumpcutting that would make Godard change his underwear and a sweet special efx shot of a tabloid newspaper burning (Get it? He's fed up with the tabloids!) THEN - we see a bunch of Asian girls walking into what must be K-Fed's exclusive party. THEN we see an Asian guy turned away. This is where I stopped the video.

My therapist told me that when I get angry and compose a flaming email, it's best just to let it sit for a few hours. When to return to re-examine it, your anger will have subsided and you'll be able to deal with the conflict in a more civil manner, i.e you don't send it and let the issue pass. Well, a few hours later and I am still pissed. I went back to finish the video thinking that there may be a happy ending - K-FED's bouncer actually directed the Asian guy to another "cooler" entrance where the party was really happenin - chicks of all colors and nationalities (scantily clad), mountains of blow, and some freaky-deaky breakdancin. Unfortunately it does not happen as the subplot of singled-out Asian guy ends where I stopped the video, when the bouncer re-directs the guy to an offscreen P.F. Changs (my educated guess).

This kind of shit just makes my blood boil and leaves me no choice but an angry blog rant. Now, I have friends who are dating/dated Asian girls. I have no problem with that, because I know they are in love and really care about each other. My problem comes when white guys come up to me and tell me that they love all things Asian and then proceed to ask me if I have a sister. Double U- Tee- Eff? Lately I've been seeing more and more articles about the so-called "Asian Fever"/"Yellow Fever" but I always end up joking about it with my friends. But to see such a blatant example of it in a fucking Kevin Federline video is absurd. It blows my mind.

Think about it: Someone - K-Fed, his producer, the record company, or the hack music video director was writing a treatment and came up with the simple video concept of "an exclusive party" and to illustrate the "exclusiveness" and "hipness" of the party "we have a shot where a group of smoking hot ASIAN girls, in the vain of The Fast and the Furious or Anime films, is let into the club by the tall white bouncer, but a lone Asian male is DENIED. Ha ha, you got SERVED."

So the K-Fed just ruined my weekend. Now I have to spend the next three days going about creating an online petition and mobilizing the Asian American community to correct this action. This is all preliminary thinking, but here are my options to Mr. Spears:

1) Stop making music.

2) Re-edit the video with a different ending or simply cut out the part with the racist incident.

3) Formally apologize to me, as I feel I do represent the Asian male who does not get into such exclusive parties.

4) Explain the rational of the subplot and take respoonsibilty for your racist actions.

More later, I have tons of work to do.

terry on 09.01.06 @ 01:36 PM PDT [link]