My name is Terry and this is my blog.

I am currently living in Los Angeles.

I like films, music, and don't even get me started on long walks on the beach.

I don't read a lot of books, but am always fishing for book recommendations.

My parents are Vietnamese and I was born in America.

That's all you really need to know upfront.


Lil Ceesco aka Francis Huynh

Keith Schofield
Matt White
Steven Weigle
Liam Harrison (rarely updated)
Mitch Glaser

Thirsty Thong
VA to VN

February 2007

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Home » Archives » February 2007 » Chuc Mung Nam Moi!

02/19/2007: "Chuc Mung Nam Moi!"

Happy New Year! Year of the Pig. Oink Oink.

I don't have too many Vietnamese friends here, so in lieu of a Tet celebration, I decided to go dancing at a shoegaze/Britpop night in Chinatown.

Foo-ooh-ohh's Gold. . . . Seriously, I never liked the song or understood it's popularity (I'm more into Elephant Stone) until it was blasting in my ear and I got to watch some really good-looking goths get down to it.

Bonus: It was a My Bloody Valentine Tribute Night!

Replies: 2 Comments

on Tuesday, February 27th, Thông said

But Terry, you're my friend.

Now, I want you to hit me as hard as you can.

on Tuesday, February 20th, Megan said

glad someone still goes dancing....

i need a dancing night soon.